Our Celebrations

Well a lot has happened in adoption term’s since I last posted, we had a great week a couple of weeks ago, it started with a great Celebration Hearing at our local County Court, Granny, Grampy, Auntie, Uncle, big cousin and our SW all attended with us. The look of pure joy on Munch’s face when he received his Certificate will stay with me for ever and boy did that certificate take some getting off him!!!!

Afterwards we all apart from our SW who had another meeting to attend, took the train into London and had a lovely meal in The Rainforest Cafe. On entering they asked if we were celebrating anything special, when we said it was Munch’s Adoption day they gave him a Happy Birthday Sticker!!! He was happy enough with it though.

The following day his class held a party for him, he had a ball, me and my mum took in some picky party food bits, they gave him a fabulous card that had lile individual cards of each child in his class, and also all the teachers had written in it to, he was happy to see that the head mistress had written in it as well. Some of the messages that the children had written were fab, our favorite by far really made us laugh, one of the girls ha wrote, Dear Munch – I hope your 2nd mum and dad come through!!!! Out of the moths of children… I also got asked one morning by another little girl was I Munch’s new parent. A few of te parents actually spoke to me too, it’s only taken them 18 months!!!

On the Saturday we had a big BBQ for all our family and friends, and it was lovely how many people came to help us celebrate, Munch and we had some lovely present’s which were not expecting, we had a Bouncy Castle for the kids, my mum and I did a big buffet, the BBQ was on the go all afternoon and on into the early evening, we had lots of people dropping in during the day and the last people left at almost mid-night, Munch handled the day wonderfully we had a few moments, but our boy is getting there a couple of times he took himself off to his bedroom to have a ‘cool down’.

We have had another session with CAMHS, our 4th one, this one was with Munch, so now the family therapist will be making her recommendation’s so we will just have to wait now.

Munch has now earned his orange belt at karate, and is doing really well.

At school we had his sat results, he got significantly above his age for maths and science, and above average for his age in all other subjects apart from his writing, but that has so improved from how it used to be so we could not be prouder of our boy. The school once again have been fantastic in helping his transition from them to Junior School in September, they have done extra visit’s with him and one of the TA’s took him over with a camera and they took lots of pictures of the school and teachers and today he brought home a little book he had made with all the photo’s in so that he can look at it over the 6 weeks. We are just hoping that the Junior school is going to be so on the ball regarding his needs as the Infants have been.

Our last bit of adoption related news is that we have started the ball rolling for number two this week, we have spoken with our original SW who left just after Munch was placed and she is coming for an initial informal meeting in September as we wanted to get the 6 weeks over with 1st.