29/12 – Granny Comes to Stay.

This morning Munch came into bed with me very excited because granny was coming to stay today. After coming down Munch was very lively and excited and could not wait for granny to get here. He was being very rude and in the way that he was speaking to us, and ended up on the step several times.

In the end I sent him to do his hour upstairs before he got into any more trouble, our hour upstairs to play has been very helpful this holiday and is something we will be sticking to from now on, and using on weekends as well.

After his hour upstairs it was lunch time, then we found a film to watch. Munch had just settled to watch the film when Granny arrived so the film went out of the window. Munch was very pleased to see his Granny and was all over her.

We had a cuppa with Granny, then me and daddy toke the opportunity of going out to get a couple of bits and also having a nice coffee and cake!!

We had a phone call from Munch asking us when we were coming home, but when we got home granny said that he had been fine, he had asked to ring so granny had put it off for a while, then let him, he had got a bit nervous at one point and insisted that she locked the doors otherwise he had been fine.

We had a late tea to so it was straight to bed, Munch wanted Granny and daddy to take him and I had to go up and give him his bedtime hug and kiss when they had finished.

Due to all the excitement of granny coming Munch wide awake in bed, and constantly calling down, I went up a couple of times, but he still carried on calling down, in the end I just ignored him, he carried on until I went to bed, good job I went up early as the awful cough I had for the last week or so was beginning to take its toll. I put my head round the door and said that I did this every night on my way to bed but normally he was asleep and I was unable to talk to him, and that I could say goodnight tonight been as he was awake, he thought this was great and I did not hear another peep out of him.

Another Week Begins

Well twice this morning Munch came knocking on the bedroom door well before getting up time, he has been told that if he does it tomorrow there will be no TV when he gets up, so we will see what happens tomorrow. Rest of the morning went ok, had one session on the step for talking rudely, but apart from that, he was safely deposited at school.

Munch was in a good mood when I picked him up from school, when we got home I noticed that he had brought his reading book home, so will be making sure that he does tomorrow, I asked him to play on his own for 1/2 hour which he did, he had a couple of time outs for speaking rudely, then it was time for us to go and do special play time, Munch chose to play Junior Monopoly again which we did for 3/4 hour, I set an alarm so that Munch knew that once it went off I had to go to do dinner, this worked very well and there was no delaying tactics from Munch what so ever, so I think hat I shall adopt the alarm method again.

Munch played Mario Karts on the Wii for a while then went on the computer whilst I was preparing dinner. Someone came to look a the insulation in our loft whilst I was doing dinner, so I had to go upstairs with them, Munch played up a fair bit, he needed help when he didn’t, could not find thing’s that he knew perfectly well where they were, he created a big fuss because he couldn’t draw what he wanted to when in fact he had just scribbled on the paper, all to get attention, I just told him I was busy and he would have to manage on his own for a moment. Once they had gone Munch was fine, I did have words about his behaviour whilst they were here.

Dinner ended up being late, so bath was late, Munch had his telly afterwards, then we had a lovely story, snuggle time and massage with Munch’s special cream.


The Good, the Bad and the Good Again.

Well this morning started off very well, Munch came into our room a little earlier than I would have liked on a Sunday morning, especially after a lovely night last night filled with plenty of Bacardi, but he came in armed with a letter and had written to mummy and daddy I love you from Munch, what could we do after that, so we let him in, he watched Cartoon Network fo a while, then we put on the X Factor that we had recorded from last night, we watched just over half of it but Munch was starting to restless so we all got up.

I cooked a nice big Sunday breakfast of sausage, bacon, eggs black pudding, mushrooms and potato cakes. Munch did well, he ate some of his mushroom’s, egg, bacon and sausage, he tried the potato cake, and the black pudding but did not like them.

He asked to watch the Karate Film again, and went off to the living room to watch, when daddy went him, Munch was very rude and told daddy that he was not watching the film, daddy took offence at this and world war 3 broke out, daddy was shouting, Munch was shouting, which made daddy worse, now Munch has the upper hand and the control hat he wants, so out comes the language calling daddy a f—–g idiot, you f—–r, which enraged daddy even more, I dragged Munch upstairs and put him in his room and closed the door as he was being extremely violent. He was told he was not to leave his bedroom and he could stay there until told otherwise.

I was so angry with hubby, what was the point in all the work we had done with the play therapist, it is one of Munch’s little tricks to try to rile and recreate that chaotic , abusive lifestyle that to him was the norm for so many years of his precious life and hubby had played right into, what happened to our that is rude and not allowed – step.

Hubby went off in a strop with the dog because I told him what I though of him, Munch was upstairs wailing and that’s all it was a big noise and going on and on about wanting to go ice skating as that was what we were supposed to be doing today, but as a consequence of his behaviour was just not happening, I just said no we would not be going today, and he was to say upstairs until further notice.

Hubby came back with a face like a fiddle, I eventually let Munch down, he was acting like an angel and still though he was going to be able to go skating –  NO. He played on the computer for a short while, then engaged daddy in a spy game, by then hubby had stopped sulking, so off upstairs went they and came down with their spy costumes on, they did this for about half hour until Munch was bored with that.

Me and Munch went and made some jelly together to have for afters later, we then had lunch and got out all the paints and arts and craft bits and did some painting and sticking. After Munch had enough we went upstairs and played Junior Monopoly for an hour, Munch really enjoyed this and played it very well, we packed up in time for a nice quiet afternoon in front of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

After all the going’s on of this morning, I did not have the incline or the energy to do a Sunday roast, so am afraid Munch sat down to a Sunday dinner of beans on toast, followed by his orange jelly that he had made today.

Straight in the bath after were Munch played with all his toy mobile character’s as he usually does, he called out to me at one point and when I asked him what he wanted his reply was “love ya” aaaahhhh!!

TV, supper, story read and little man is now tucked up in bed, been a bit of a strange day today, daddy is in work, so lets hope he is in a better mood when he gets in, and tomorrow is another day.