6/12 – An almost Good Day

This morning was one of those mornings where I just could not get up, in the end I had 15 minutes extra in bed. We had s good morning routine, got out to the car forgetting that it was very frosty outside and we needed de-icing, I had nothing to scrape the windows with and we just had to sit and wait an age for the window to defrost enough for me to see. So today was the second school morning in a row we were a bit late. Only a couple of weeks ago I was telling someone how I am one of those people who is late for everything and yet since Munch has been here the only couple of times we have been late have been after serious meltdowns in the mornings, should have kept my mouth shut.

I had a word with the deputy head as Munch had one of his nose bleeds last night in bed, and had asked me with a look of glee on his face before we left for school what would happen if he had one at school today, I am sure remembering that they sent him home last time, so I am hoping not to get a phone call today.

Picked Munch up from school we came home, did his reading which he did very well, Munch went up to get changed and came down wearing his swimming shorts???? Oh well, he has a very strong will when it comes to his cloths, mostly I let him get on with it, if we are going out anywhere I will ‘help’ him choose, we were not leaving the house this evening so swimming shorts it was.

We played Junior Monopoly again his evening, just me and Munch then daddy joined in when he was home. This went on until tea, and then until bath. Munch had his bath came down and had TV until 8pm, then up for bedtime. I have noticed that Munch has got very lazy of late at cleaning his teeth, so on going battle commenced, I started by setting a timer for 2 minutes, and every time he wasnt brushing properly added another minute, this clearly was not working, so started taking away 1 of his 3 things that happen at bedtime, in the end he ended up with none, I said that from now on I would be brushing his teeth because I was very worried about his them as he does not clean them properly, oh what a fuse and he then bit onto he tooth brush, I realised that this was going to get us no where and just end up in one of those battles, so I just told him to go and get into bed.

He was just getting in to bed when he reminded me that I had said that I would get our Micky Mouse Garland for the front door out and show him and then put it on the door tonight, before I had chance to say I will just go and get it, he shouted, you lied, he has been told time and time again about calling people liar’s, so I told him what I had been about to say, but as he had not given me a chance and had called me a liar, I was not prepared to fetch it now and to just get into bed, he was not happy and hit me with his teddy, which he picked up to use, so I suppose I can give him credit for not using his fists or feet as he normally does. I just told him to get into bed, which he did, I asked if he wanted a hug and kiss to which he said yes and then he wanted to hug and kiss me which I let him do.

In all though another good day, just a bit off at the end. As hubby was home we had a lovely Chinese.

First Ever Proper Hug!

We had a bit of a lay in this morning as we did not have such an early start, morning went well, Munch even went upstairs, did teeth and dressed himself on his own, and was very pleased with himself to.

He had a very good session with the play therapist, he chose to make bead necklaces, all of which represented his time here. The PT said that he was like a different child today, he worked well with her, he was able to accept things like praise, we then had our session, which was just a general catch up really. So all in all very good, we did the questionnaire we did before we started play therapy which showed the improvement we have made.

Daddy picked Munch up from school today and I nipped to the shop at the same time, they were back before me and as I walked through the door Munch shouted mummy’s home and threw himself at me and gave me the biggest cuddle, what a break through, things that other families so take for grant, something I have never had in the 10 months Munch has been home, a proper heart-felt hug, I could have cried right then, but I managed not to which is good for me.

Daddy took charge of our home from school routine, and boy could you tell it was a rare thing for daddy to do, Munch decided he wasn’t getting changed, so daddy let him stay in his school cloths, I did not interfere because Munch would have jumped on that immediately, then reading, Munch was like he used to be with me and still does occasionally, mumbling, missing lines out, not knowing easy words, daddy just said finish that page, much to Munch’s puzzlement, daddy then wrote in Munch’s reading diary that he had been uncooperative and not read well, Munch really does not like this, so I am sure next time he is reading with daddy he will remember and read properly.

Daddy took the dog for his evening walk, Munch was going to go on his bike, but at the last-minute decided not to, I was busy doing dinner so Munch sat drawing at the kitchen table, we were talking and Munch decided to speak rudely to me, usual speech and step, MUnch pushed me on the way to the step, so I told him firmly that I would not be pushed and for him to go to his room, he said he would not, I said fine, which I think confused him because he immediately said ok then and off he went. He called down to ask how long he had to stay there, until dinner time said I, could he go in our room asked him, no said I and he stayed up till dinner time.

After dinner Munch and daddy went to the shop’s to get Munch’s crisp’s for film club tomorrow, once back Munch went on the computer until it was time for Beaver’s. Afterwards it was supper and bed yet another lovely hug and goodnight kisses, and a very happy mummy.

Tonight I have been colouring the grey roots!! Munch was talking to me as I was doing it, he asked to sleep in our bed, no was my answer, but mummy said Munch, it would be much better for the environment, he does make me laugh sometimes.

So Begin’s The Week

This morning Munch was still asleep when I go up so I left him in bed for a while. The morning was very pleasant and we got to school all in good spirits.

After school we once home we did Munch’s reading, he was not in a cooperative mood, so I told him to read it as he wanted to and that I would just write in the book how he had read, he was mumbling his words, saying them very quietly, missing out whole lines and making out he was unable to read some words that I know he know’s, I just did not rise to it and told him again what I was going to write, half way through, he gave up and read well, no point not reading well when it is not getting you the attention he wants. I wrote what I said I was going to in his book, which will be a good deterrent in future as he does not like to look bad at school. Reading finished we did some subtraction’s which he did well and some spelling’s which I myself have decided to start doing with him as his spelling is appalling and I feel that he needs help, so I am going to start off with 5 words a week and see how we go.

Once all that was out-of-the-way we did Munch’s special time play, this is where we play what Munch wants to  do, and I do what he wants, he is totally in control, the theory is if we give him this time of control, he will feel less like he has to try to take control at other times. I had on the request of the play therapist I had bought Munch a tube of Lego today to add to his already very large collection of Lego, Munch had spotted this so wanted to play with it, I took my lead from him and built what he asked me to, whilst building himself, he kept getting very annoyed with himself when things were not going as he wanted them to, he started hitting himself and saying he was an idiot, I kept saying to him he was doing really well, that the good thing about Lego was that if it was not right you can change it and build it stronger, we had a few episode, but with lots of reassurance he got through them, they were all direct at himself. When we had finished he carried on playing with the Lego on his own.

Tea, bath, and bedtime routine went well, I sat on Munch’s bed and he cuddled in whilst having his story and he asked for 5 minutes snuggle time afterwards which I gladly did, we did our cream after that, lots of massaging in his cream, lovely hug and kisses, wow, lots of positive touch this evening, and one happy mummy.

Feeling Sad

This morning went ok and off to school went Munch without a hitch.

When I picked him up we had the proof for our 1st solo school photo, they had a class photo last term. It is lovely now to decide which pack to buy. Munch finally managed to bring a reading book home which he read really well, although I do have to say it was a very easy one for him, so I have commented on the fact in our book we write how hey have done in. We then did some jigsaw puzzles together, Munch did them well, but all the time he was doing them he had attitude, telling me not to do things and generally being very stroppy and trying to be controlling. We finished our puzzles and Munch went of to use the computer.

Rest of the evening went as normal until after I had got Munch out of the bath, he likes to lie on his bed and be dried and helped into his pyjamas, all him regressing back to things that he missed out on when he was younger, today though he screamed and shouted at me for drying his hair, so I just said that I would not be spoken to like that anymore and he was to dry and dress himself, que lots of I didn’t mean it mummy, please help me, all things that I have heard time and time again, I just said again that no I would not help him, maybe next time he would think about how he spoke to me.

Routine followed right up till the last thing we do after story and before hug and kiss good-night, I always get Munch a glass of water as I was going out of the room to fetch it he called me nasty, another thing that he does regularly, so I took a stand again and took back his glass of water, put it down and just said, good-night Munch, I am leaving the room with a hug or kiss as I am not going to be called nasty by you any more, and left again to sorry mummy didn’t mean it mummy, again, heard it all before. I just firmly said no, maybe next time you will think before you call anybody names.

A little after Munch called down, something he will do when things are playing on his mind and asked for cream, a lile ritual we do some evening, especially if he needs reassuring, I started putting he cream on his fingers as we do and again he was aggressive in he way that he asked, or rather told me to do something. So I just put the cream down and said tha I would not continue after being spoken to like that, again with the sorry and he didn’t mean it, but I left and said that i was a sad that he felt that he needed to speak to me like that when we were doing something nice and left.

Whilst writing this I have been up again as he does need that reassurance after incidents like this hat things are ok, hopefully he is now going to sleep.

I think on reflection tonight, I have realised how much he does speak to us constantly like that, and talking to hubby we feel that we need to start making it clear to him that it is not acceptable, he would not have dreamed of talking to his FC’s like that, and we do not want him going through life think that it is ok to talk to others like that. So if it mean’s being hard on him for a while, then that is what is going to happen. Tomorrow the Play Therapist will be visiting for one of her session’s so we shall also speak to her about it.